Mobile games are fun, but if you’re like me, you don’t have a lot of time to play them at any given time. Fortunately, the game structure of the new hit Android app Life is Crime is serendipitously conducive to this pattern of gaming.
Like the Facebook game The Sims Social, you have limited resources in Life is Crime, specifically energy and stamina. Use up your resources, and you won’t be able to do very much until you get some more. Again, much like The Sims Social, you can buy more energy and stamina, or wait until they replenish on their own.
Thankfully, they do replenish. This means you can use them all up, put your Android device down, and come back for some more action a few hours later. By rationing your gaming in these mini-sessions, you can quickly make a name for yourself in the Life is Crime universe without dropping wads of cash on in-game purchases.
Here is a breakdown of SLee-style mini-sessions in Life is Crime.
Grab the Cash When Life is Crime Loads
Life is Crime loads you in your safe house, where you are greeted with a menu of some general stats. In the middle of the stats, there is an option to “Collect.” This is money you earn for controlling locations. Tap the button to get your money. After you get your money, accept any friend invites or gifts available, and then…
Hit the Streets
After tapping the large, obvious button, you are loaded in your “Gamefeed.” You can use this to see what your friends are doing or find people to fight, but there are more productive things to do in your mini-session in Life is Crime.
You can get more done by going to the Map. Pick a location close to you (the closer locations will use less energy, therefore maximizing your productivity) and see if there is anyone with a similar rank on the leader board at this location.
2 Reasons to fight someone with a similar rank:
When you find someone with a similar rank, tap on their name to see their stats. If your attack and defense are better than theirs, you can probably when a fight with them. Tap “fight” to be taken to the fight screen; then duke it out until you win.
In each round, a few things happen:
- You burn one stamina point.
- You (potentially) earn money.
- You earn XP.
- (If you fight with someone through the location menu instead of the friend stream) you earn points on the leader board for that location.
When you win the fight, you will earn extra money, XP, and location points. This is the fastest way to move quickly up the leader board.
No More Stamina? Start Using Energy
After you use up all your stamina, it’s time to start using your energy.
You can contact a dealer for a delivery of stolen goods or drugs. Drop these at the location to get more money and location points.
Use your remaining energy to steal, rob, or whatever other activity is available at your location for more money, XP, and location points.
When all your energy is used up, you won’t be able to do anymore money-making activities until your next mini-session. Before you’re done, you can head to the shop to see if there are any items that you can upgrade with your newly-earned money.
Come back a few hours later when your energy and stamina have recovered and repeat these steps. Using these mini-sessions in Life is Crime, you will quickly rise in the ranks of the criminal underworld.
Do you have any other tips? Leave a comment below.
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How do u get weapons? I can’t find them anywhere even in the shop section it only asks to buy R2. Are weapons unlocked later and if so is it either to be bought with in game money or real money?
Thanks for your comment, clix.
To get weapons, tap “Shop” on the bottom navigation menu. A little bit lower than the middle of the screen are three buttons: Armory, Cash Exchange, and Power Ups. Tap Armory, and then tap the second button for weapons.
This displays a thumbnail of each weapon available in the game. In the bottom left corner of each thumbnail, the “attack” and “critical” for that weapon are displayed, and in the bottom right corner, it shows the level required for the weapon and the cost.
If you haven’t reached the required level for the weapon, there will be a lock icon next to the level. The cost is either in cash or R2 cred, depending on the weapon.
To get the weapon you want, tap the thumbnail, then tap “Buy & Equip.” If you tap “Buy” instead, it will put the weapon in your inventory and you’ll have to equip it there if you want to use it.
Hope that helps.
I also can’t find the inventory screen. Sorry if I sound dumb lol. I jus really like this game and am having trouble finding it.
Thanks! I really appreciate ur help
I think cause my phones screen isn’t big enough its not showing the armory tab…sigh..I can’t scroll down…
That sounds frustrating. What kind of phone do you have?
Its a crappy phone..had to downgrade while I wait another 3 mnths to upgrade. Its a samsung sph-m580. I don’t know know if ur the dev or how to contact them but I would appreciate it a lot if an update came out soon to be able to scroll on that page. It would help a lot. The game awesome. Its super addicting lol
I remembered the exact name of the phone. Its the samsung replenish..faster than the transform I had but not full screen so the shop options aren’t all showing up. If u aren’t the dev (which by the way the dev made an awesome game, I was surprised how much fun it really is) could u find an email address for them cause I can’t find one. I really like the game and would like to be able to have more than 8 attack for the nxt 3 months lol pleeease
Your armory is found by clicking the profile screen and the selection the bottom right icon in the group of four. Its symbol is a gun.
Love this game. Been toying around with buying packages. Buying less more often yields a higher prophet. 5 grand every ten mins. Much better than 15 grand an hour. Also go into the people tab and gift everyone. You’ll eventually get an achievement and a lot of times people gift you back. Gifts cost you nothing. So you get health and energy boosts for free and build up an achievement.
Hey, j mac. Thanks for the tips!
Hey j mac, thanks for the tips first of all, but I have noticed you get a slightly larger xp profit from buying larger packages. I guess it depends what you’re looking for when you order.
Also. All the people that are lower level then you are. Friend request them. You loose rep points for fighting them but you can add them to your mob.
Wow I’m discovering a lot when I log in at other places. I friended some one that must have been passing through. Later when I saw his name on the update board I was able to look up a location 7 states away and fight for that location and friend everyone on that location board. A GREAT way to build up your mob and have access to new locations. Add enough out of area friends and you see some interesting places. Of which so far are the Facebook headquarters and a cat and dog creamatoriom… I almost want to start collecting crazy places. By the way doing all this literally quadrupled my mob size from around 19 mob. To almost 100 in about twenty mins.
Another tip pay attention to what equipment your buying. That is, don’t buy something if its attack/accuracy or defence/dodge is just a little better than what your running currently. Those small differences won’t matter much in a fight. Instead, plan your purchases two or three levels in advance. That way your not wasting your cash on an insignificant increase bit are saving it for an awesome item down the road.
Oh one more thing. Don’t fall into the trap of spending your r2 points on ANYTHING other that items. With patience you’ll make money so don’t worry about cash ins. If you follow my advice about gifting above you won’t need to buy health packs or energy pills. So that just leaves the awesome items they have. But like I said pay attention to what you buy. Are you going to outgrow that item quickly? Choose wisely my friends.
IAMOD4, I am in the Seattle Area, Washington… Add me and you’ll get one more state…
I can’t seem to fight people, I don’t really understand why? Ive bought a machine gun but everytime I try to fight someone, the fight box is unclickable. Does anyone else have this problem or know a fix for it? Thanks
try fighting someone who isn’t already dead 😛 that should solve your problem.
Sorry to be bother but how do you move product to make some cash? I need to know for the bronze thingy. I buy kg or pcs, drop it in a building (gain some point) and that’s that.
Make sure you are collecting your funds from the safehouse everyday. That is a huge portion of my income. Fighting and winning will also bring you money.
Ha how do u sign out of life is crime
I wont to start a new profile but I can’t sign out.
I don’t believe you can it looks like its attached to your MIED which is unique to you device and wouldn’t allow you to sign additional accounts to one phone.
Add me to your mob (deeeeez nuts) and it will help with your mob attack bonus.
Add “Death-Row” to your friend list – Currently level 15 with 5,900+ REP.
Based out of California with over 400 locations – adds a Lot to your game feed 😉
once you drop your product. Go to the map and click the briefcase handl. You will ve able to pick up your money for the product after tge elapsed time. Add me “Dragus” to increase your mob size
How do you find different locations outside of your area? I have taken control over all the ones in my area but can only seem to take over more if I drive around physically. Please help.
Looks like you already found the best way. Another possible way is to check your news feed. Sometimes it shows locations that aren’t on your map.
add me :’) im new! im in GEORGIA and need tips!! oxshebadd-
add me, i’m in GA too. MushroomMang
This is the most informative message board on this game. This game is awsome. All the advice given is correct. With the right planning and a clear strategy, you can take over your own actual neighborhood.
A ondvice how to expand territory: if you go to the news feed, you may find names and locations that might not show up in the map, click the to access them.
Add me, calicain. I am number 3 at 4 locations, number 1 @ 2 locations after 2 days on off play.
EVERYONE GIFT AND FRIEND EVERYONE. You can only receive 10a day but unlimited to give.
Areas frequent, the entire bay area california, las vegas, ny.
Access my growing network.
So if I dnt have any friends on Facebook or n my contacts that are on Life Is crime, how do I recruit to my mob?
When you click on someones name, 3 options show up: friend, gift, or fight. Clicking friend sends that person a friend request. Alternatly, you can spend 20 rc tokens to buy 1 mob member, or 85 tokens for 5. I wouldn’t suggest this personally however, as tokens are difficult to aquire unless you buy them with real-life cash.
also, I can only do one mission right now which is snoop at one hotel. I can’t do any of my stealing is thrilling missions. Does anyone know why this is?
Missions are available at certain locations. If you can’t find the mission you want, try going on a walk, or logging in from a friends house. Changing your location brings different locations nearer, which allows you to do different missions.
Gotcha, Thank you!!
I found something interesting while searching one of my venues… can anyone tell me what an easter egg does?
Figured it out… for anyone else wondering it gives you 5 free rc tokens.
How do you upgrade your energy and health and stamina? Usually in games when u rank up u get a choice on what u want to upgrade
Pls let me know
They all upgrade as you level up.
Add me, Sir Iso
My phone keeps kicking me out at log in. Can’t get back in the game. What. Do I do get back in
Wish there were a guide on how to log out of the game ;(
Does anybody know????? Please help.
Hey every one.
Dose any one know how to log out of life is crime…..
The only way that i could find to do it is to have my phone go to roaming…….
Then it will bring the login screen up problem being that this game shouldent have a auto login feature or maby a log out button on the menu screen but anyways thanks for the read……
Game names. SilverShark add me if you like im a gamer for life……….
How do I log off
Can I switch players
It is possible to log out of Life Is Crime, but it is a complicated process and not very practical.
Basically you have to email the developers at [email protected].
For more info, you can see the thread in the Red Robot Labs forum.
I forgot my password 😛 can anyone help?
Join me email me to join my gang.
Since we have been able to fly to new locations, my mob numbers have flown up but my locations haven’t gone up any, if anything they have gone down a small few. Anyone know why this could be? Feel free to add me consdaddy level 22, 34k rep nearly 900 mob and only 368 locations. I know I don’t have to be leader of a location for it to count. Anybody help please.
Add me khorhor
Been trying to figure out how to post to the world feed. I don’t have an option to share there, just my facebook. Any clue?
Feel free to add me I’m Pgunn
A higher mob is suppose to make the fights easier, lets find out! Add sansheart
How can my crew get a headquarter do we need to be on Facebook?
From my understanding, your gang has to win The Headquarters.
I wanna know how can I sign in to life is crime with my old character it took me a long time to get where I was at and I got a new phone and created another character not knowing that I wasn’t gonna be able to use my old one.can u help me out
How Do i Log Off Life is crime to make a new name
How do I win a headquarters? I’m kingpinat a few locations. My gang is asking me to get one
Trying to figure out how to get a headquarters here. Is there a certakn amount of rep my gang needs?
How the heck do i log out of this game. Im on android and i have the samsung galaxy s 3. Please help 😀
Where is everyone getting the dogs from?
How do I get my gang a headquarters?
You have to be in the top 50 when a competition event is over.
How do I take the money I put in my safe back. My version of the this app has quite a few problems. I cant see achivements, missions, or safe house unless I log off and re log in first.the tab that should say missions next to profile and map insted says gangs. So how do I take my money back from my safe? Oh and ad me ( Gangster 3093201 ) im level 20 with a rep at 11059 .
Hey fellas good to see people wanting to learn more about LIC! I’m Doctor Faust lv 36 with TCF FOXHOUND. We are looking for active members that are ready to join a big crew. We have over 40 players and continue recruiting. We also have ways to cheat the game so hit me up if your interested in making a name for yourself in LIC. Download Palringo and join a room called foxhound see you there. Peace
Lol Faust
Add me at TheMercenary888. I’m in Omaha. Also have an open gang spot if anyone is interested
How do I log out?..Do I just stop playing and go back to the game in a few mins or hours?