I seriously thought this day would never come. Netflix has released an official app for the Android mobile OS that actually allows users to stream content on their Android mobile device.
I’ve been using Netflix since before I had a smart phone, and when I first got an iPhone, the Netflix App was one of my favorites, so its absence from the Android scene was quite a disappointment.
The film studios have long considered the iOS a more secure environment for their content than Android, an attitude that is maintained in computer operating systems: Netflix streaming is available through the Microsoft Silverlight plugin for both Mac and Windows, but it is not compatible with the Linux version Moonlight. Android, a child of Linux, has until now been prevented from joining its friends in the Netflix playground because of fears of piracy on an open source platform.
I have yet to research what precipitated this change, but I will gladly enjoy my Netflix streaming regardless of the cause. Also, another reason I’m glad to be owning an EVO (in addition to its 4.3-inch screen), the Netflix App is not available for just any Android phone. It is currently released for four HTC phones–the EVO, the Incredible, the G2, and the Nexus One–and Samsung’s Nexus S.
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