This walkthrough for Duke Nukem Forever Chapter 7: “The Duke Dome” will show you how to complete the seventh chapter of Duke Nukem Forever and get your ego cap reward.
Getting to the Duke Dome
In the last chapter, Duke escaped Vegas in Ruin through a sewer, which is where you find yourself at the beginning of this chapter; to get to the Duke Dome you must find your way through this sewer pipe. When you get to the end of the sewer pipe, continue through the path of rubble. Avoid the electrified puddle by jumping from the bank to the pallet in the middle of the puddle, and from the pallet to the other bank.
When you get to the end of the rubble path, your progress is blocked by a fire. On the left side of the fire is a corpse hanging from a piece of rebar. On the corpse’s back is a fire extinguisher. Shoot the fire extinguisher to put out the fire, then continue into the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel is a ladder. Climb up the ladder to continue to the Duke Dome.
Outside the Duke Dome
When you get to the top of the ladder, you will see two construction workers standing on top of some crates talking about ridiculous things. They notice you and tell you to get on the crane to get out of the area that they are trapped in.
When the crane comes over, jump inside the box that it’s carrying. Notice that it has a resupply crate; you’re going to need that very soon. As the crane starts to take you away, an Assault Commander comes and kills the guys you first saw in this area. The crane then takes you over to a parking structure that is infested with aliens. Use whatever fire power you can find to kill them.
After each wave of aliens, the crane moves you a little bit further where you have to take on another wave. Remember to use the resupply ammo crate to keep well-stocked with ammo. Also be sure to use the metal sheet on the left side for cover when you need it. After a few of these waves, the aliens run a car out of the parking structure that collides with the box that you are being carried around in, and it will drop you to the ground below.
When you are on the ground, hope over any obstacles in your way, and find the gate with the glowing lock. Punch the lock off and go through the gate to the plaza in front of the Duke Dome. There are a handful of Pig Cops here that you have to take care of. Remember to hold on to your pistol if you are trying to unlock the Duke Nukem Forever Gunslinger Achievement.
When all the Pig Cops are dead, you need to figure out how to get out of the plaza. On the side opposite of the one you came in, there is a red, explosive barrel. If you haven’t shot it already, shoot the barrel to destroy some boxes that are holding up an open crate. When the crate is low enough for you to jump into, can climb through it to get to the next area.
After you jump out the other side of the crate, you see a construction trailer directly in front of you. The door to the trailer is locked, so you have to find another way in. Go around the back of the trailer and climb up the ladder to the roof. You can then go through any open skylights or punch one out and jump through it to get into the trailer.
In this room is a copy machine. Walk up to the copy machine and press “X” to open it and again to make a copy. This is your one and only ego cap reward at the Duke Dome for a whopping +1 ego point.
After stroking your ego, walk into the next room and on your left is a telephone. This is the next message in the Duke Nukem Forever Call Waiting Achievement.
There is glowing switch next to the door. Flip the switch and then an alien drop ship shows up. There are several weapons lying around inside the trailer, and it is a pretty easily defended location, so I recommend killing as many aliens as you can through the windows in the trailer, taking cover as needed. After you kill several waves of aliens, some berserking pig-cops show up and turn the trailer over. Escape through the skylights and kill any pig-cops you see.
When all the aliens are dead, find the gate in the chain-link fence. There is a spotlight shining on the switch to open it. Hit the switch, but the gate doesn’t open. Follow the on-screen instructions to force open the gate and proceed forward to trigger part two of the Duke Dome.
Duke Dome: Part 2
Walk into the crate directly in front of you. It will tip forward, allowing you to go out the doors on the other side. Follow the path around to an area with a lot of other crates. There is a flickering spotlight on a dark red crate directly in front of you as you approach.
The goal in this Duke Dome crate puzzle is to get that crate to tip forward so that you can jump on top of it and get to the scaffolding on the other side. To accomplish this feat, you have to load the crate full of barrels to weigh it down. There is a barrel visible on the crate to your left. Grab it, walk around to the back of the dark red crate, and throw it in to the far end. Then walk back around and shoot the the red barrel that’s visible in the crate behind the one you got the first barrel from. This will cause two more barrels to fall out the back side of this crate. Walk around to get these barrels and throw both of them into the dark red crate.
When you have all three barrels loaded in the crate, walk back around and climb up the ladder on the side of the crate you got the first barrel from. Then jump from that crate onto the top of the dark red crate and continue across to the scaffolding. Follow the scaffolding and jump down into the next area.
You see two aliens flying the twins to the Duke Dome, and they cry out, “Duke, save us!” On some more scaffolding close to where the twins are taken in, two other aliens who seem to be keeping guard notice you and start to attack. Kill them and continue around to the crane. Try to use the crane, and Duke says, “Hmm, needs juice.” You have to find a battery to power the crane.
Get out of the cockpit of the crane and climb on top of it. Walk to end of the crane boom and jump onto the scaffolding at the end. The top level collapses, dropping you onto a lower level. Jump down from there to the next level and from that small platform onto a lower one that has a room in it. You can find at least a pistol in that room. (If you are working on the Duke Nukem Forever Gunslinger Achievement, you should already have a pistol, and this will just be additional ammo for you.) Use your pistol to shoot the red barrels in the crate that is suspended in front of you. Then jump into this crate and continue to the other side.
When you get to the other side, find the ladder up to the next level. Then go up the planks and up the cinder blocks into the top level. You find the battery you need and an RPG launcher in a room on the top level. Pick up the battery and the RPG launcher. An alien ship shows up and destroys the room you were in, dropping you down a level. You must fight the alien ship with the RPG launcher. Use the EDF ammo resupply crate in the corner of this area to get more RPG’s as needed. When you damage the ship to a critical level, it will destroy the wall that is retaining you and fly off into the distance.
Go through the hole the alien ship created and turn left. Go through the gate to get back to the path to the crane. Take the path to the right and back around to the crane. The battery area of the crane is glowing, showing you where to put the battery you just collected. Follow the on-screen instructions to insert the battery, and then go back to the crane cockpit.
Your goal here is to make a hole in the side of the Duke Dome so that you can get it in. Grab the crane controls and swing the wrecking ball into the side of the Duke Dome. The scaffolding will collapse and some aliens will show up. You don’t have to worry about shooting the aliens. Just keep slamming the wrecking ball into the side of the Duke Dome, and the collision will take care of the aliens. Continue slamming the wrecking ball against the side of the building until it falls off. Then move the crane boom as far left and as far down as you can.
Exit the crane cockpit and climb on top of it and across the boom again. Jump down through the hole you just made. Kick open the door and go through it to end Duke Dome.
I hope you liked this walkthrough for Duke Nukem Forever Chapter 7: “Duke Dome.” Continue to the next walkthrough for Duke Nukem Forever Chapter 8: “The Hive” or go to the Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Table of Contents.
Did I forget anything? Are you having trouble with something? Leave a comment below.
Thanks for the info its was great
I found these walkthroughs by accident and they have been VERY helpful! But now I am up to The Hive and there are no more walkthroughs. I hope you havent abandoned the effort, although since your last walkthrough was in August, I am wondering of that is actually true?
Hey, Bill. Thanks for your comment.
I’m glad you’ve found these helpful. I have put this guide on the back burner but hope to return to it soon.