L.A. Noire Public Menace Achievement
Description: Rack up $47,000 in penalties during a single story case.
Two Guys on Gaming, Tech, and the World
L.A. Noire Public Menace Achievement
Description: Rack up $47,000 in penalties during a single story case.
After my last post on the Amazon Cloud Drive, I realized that it might not be entirely clear from my description how to download files to your EVO from the Amazon Cloud Drive. Here is how to do it. [Read more…]
L.A. Noire, Rockstar’s most recent sandbox masterpiece, came out last Tuesday, and I have been playing it every chance I get. I have been working on Case Guides and Achievement information. So far, the Patrol Desk cases are complete, as well as the last four missions of the Arson Desk. Only some of the Achievement information is up. I plan on having the rest of the L.A. Noire Case Guides up within a week or so, and the Achievement information should be up shortly thereafter. I also hope to get a review out soon. If you haven’t got a copy for yourself yet, but sure to order your own copy of L.A. Noire.
L.A. Noire Police Academy Achievement
Description: Complete all cases on the Patrol desk. [Read more…]
L.A. Noire Not So Hasty Achievement
Description: Stop a fleeing suspect with a warning shot as an LAPD Detective. [Read more…]
L.A. Noire: Keep a Lid On Achievement
Description: Complete a brawl without losing your hat as an LAPD Detective or Investigator. [Read more…]
Here’s how to get the FIFA 11 Always Friendly Achievement.
Achievement Description: Cross for a Friend to score.
Here’s how to do it. [Read more…]
The only thing that rivals my love for video games is my love for video game achievements. Microsoft was brilliant to add this system to its gameplay. The Gamer Point system enhances the social aspect of gaming by aggregating a gamer’s experience from multiple games into one number. Instead of comparing your scores on only one game, gamer points allow you to compare your entire Xbox 360 (or PS3) history against your friends’. The point system also adds another dimension to games that would not otherwise be easily scored–first-person shooters, role-playing games, and adventure games are good examples. Furthermore, the hunt for achievements can pleasantly extend your time playing a game. To some of us achievement hunters out there who love achievements as much as I do, this meta-scoring system can sometimes be more important than the events of the actual game.
Here are some tips to assist you in nabbing those gamer points. [Read more…]
Am I perpetually a bit behind, or what? Not only did I miss the Amazon pre-order special for a $20 video game credit, I also missed the alternate reality game (ARG) that Valve did on Steam prior to the release of Portal 2. Despite my tardiness, I did finally get myself a copy of Valve’s most recent installation in the Half-Life universe. Here are my thoughts.
By SLee 3 Comments
I studied Japanese for two and a half years while I was in college and lived in Japan for one of those years as an exchange student. Many of my Japanese friends know English, but sometimes I want to communicate with them in their mother tongue. Thankfully, with my MacBook Pro, adding additional input languages is a pretty simple task. Here’s how to do it: