Feast your eyes on the Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag intro.
As anyone reading this already knows, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag was released on Tuesday, October 29. Since I pre-ordered a copy from Amazon, it was waiting for me when I got home from work. When I started to play, I realized that even though I bought the Elgato Game Capture HD about this time last year, I had only recorded gameplay videos from Halo 4 (and a few from L.A. Noire that I hope to post soon).
But I’ve played a lot more games than just those two in the past year, so I realized that playing through the game once for myself and then going back through it again to record it for you was a very inefficient way of doing things. I decided that this time I would record the game as I’m playing through the first time. That way I’ll be more likely to get this video walkthrough up for you.
So here is the intro sequence in Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. If you haven’t purchased the game yet, this is what you can look forward to. If you have already bought the game, you can watch this video as a guide and keep your eyes open for future walkthrough videos in this series right here on SLeeAndTopher.com.
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Intro
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Assassin’s Creed III introduced ships to the world of Assassins, and Black Flag wastes no time in bringing them back. In the very first sequence of the game, you are taught how to pilot a ship.
After the cutscene, the first thing you need to learn is how to move around. Like most other action/adventure games you use the left stick to move and the right stick to rotate the camera.
Now that you know how to walk, your first objective is to reach the ship’s wheel. Walk towards the green bow in the stern of the ship to find the wheel. Walk up to it and press B to take ahold of it.
Firing Cannons
As you grab the wheel, an informational screen pops up showing you how to fire cannons. It’s wise to aim before you fire, so hold the left trigger (LT) to go into aiming mode, and use the right stick to change where you’re aiming. Once you have your shot lined up, press the right trigger (RT) to fire.
The screen also notes that you need to shoot the hull for maximum damage.
The screen forgets to mention that you have a limited horizontal aiming range. If you are trying to shoot a target that’s outside of that range, use your left stick to steer the boat to help you line up your shot.
Now that you know how to fight in a naval battle, your new objective is to sink the enemy ships. Use the new cannon-firing skills to take out your enemies.
When you’re in the battle, there are more instructions in the top-right corner of the screen. You can press Y to fire your swivel cannons, press X to brace yourself when you’re about to be hit with cannon fire, press A to speed up your ship and B to slow it down.
After you sink the enemy ships there is a cutscene. And that’s it for the Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Intro walkthrough.
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